
  • 设定明确的目标: 明确你的长期退出和售后目标.
  • 评估商业价值: 咨询估值专家,了解市场价值.
  • 识别潜在买家: Target strategic buyers, private equity, or internal candidates.
  • 制定过渡计划: 概述所有权转移的步骤和时间表.
  • 尽量减少纳税义务: 使用积极的税收计划来最大化销售收益.


你打算卖掉你的公司吗? A comprehensive business exit strategy is crucial for maximizing your outcome. Exit planning should be top of mind for all successful business owners, 但很多企业家往往忽视了这一点.

即使你目前没有出售公司的计划, the exit planning process should begin sooner rather than later. Starting early allows you to work with your management team to maximize your business’s value. 与达到退休年龄相比, 决定你是否要出售, 然后被迫接受你能找到的任何交易. 差额可能高达数百万美元.

Every business owner will eventually exit their ownership position. 积极的措施, 比如进行尽职调查, 制定应急计划, 并结合遗产规划来管理遗产税, 能对结果产生巨大的影响吗. Let’s explore common exit strategies and provide practical tips for business owners to start preparing today for a successful business exit.


An exit plan is a strategy that an owner has to relinquish their ownership position in their business. 这可以通过几种方式实现, 从卖给第三方, 将所有权转让给家庭成员和/或员工, 或者清算企业的资产.

离职计划也可以称为继任计划. Whatever approach you decide to take to exiting your own business, 仔细, considered approach with plenty of planning is key to ensuring a successful outcome.


For most business owners, the sale of their business is the biggest transaction of their lives. 如果你成功了, the sale of your business will significantly outweigh the sale of any house or vehicle, 可能会为你的家庭后代奠定基础. Effectively planning for your exit doesn’t just maximize the value you’ll be able to realize when selling your business – it also minimizes the potential 税es you’ll be liable for.

Beyond these financial elements, many business owners have an emotional attachment to their business. You likely have employees who have worked for you for years that you want to see looked after. You might have years-long relationships with customers and care deeply about how they will be supported on an ongoing basis.

确保所有相关利益相关者顺利过渡, while maximizing the financial rewards you receive for your years of hard work, 需要一个全面的退出计划过程.



Here are some key steps to consider when creating an exit plan for your business:

1. 设定明确的目标

Before creating an exit plan, it’s important to define your long-term goals. Decide whether you want to sell for the highest price, transfer to family, or sell to key employees. 考虑你的售后计划, 比如开始新的冒险或退休, 评估一下维持你想要的生活方式所需的现金. 这种清晰将指导你的退出策略.

2. 评估你公司的价值

你的企业价值是由市场决定的. 缺点ult with valuation professionals to understand its market value and identify improvement areas. 提高收入多样性或簿记等方面可以 提高你的业务估值,确保您获得最佳回报.

3. 识别潜在买家

Identify potential buyers based on your business’s nature and your goals. 这可能包括战略买家, 私募股权公司, 或者内部候选人,比如员工或家庭成员. Advisors with industry connections can help find the right buyers, 利用他们的网络来寻找最佳匹配.

4. 制定过渡计划

找到买家后,制定详细的过渡计划. This involves setting a timeline and planning knowledge transfer to ensure a smooth handover. 你可能需要暂时留下来保持连续性, 通常与销售协议中的业绩里程碑挂钩.

5. 尽量减少纳税义务

The sale of your business can result in a significant 税 burden. 与税务专业人士合作,利用 积极的税务筹划 最大限度地提高税收效率. Utilize 税 breaks and strategies to minimize your 税 liability, ensuring you retain as much of the sale proceeds as possible.

每种情况都是独一无二的, which is why it’s so important you find an experienced 税 advisor you can trust.


When it comes to exiting a business, consider these five strategies:

1. 家族继承

  • 优点: Groom successors over time and choose the person to continue your business.
  • 缺点: Family relationships must withstand the stress of business ownership.

2. 卖给另一家企业

  • 优点: Potential for growth and access to new markets through merging or acquisition.
  • 缺点:失去对公司文化的控制和潜在的冲突.

3. 管理层或员工买断:

  • 优点:确保连续性并提供更顺畅的过渡.
  • 缺点: Finding the right buyers and negotiating terms can be challenging.

4. 首次公开发行(IPO):

  • 优点:获得资金和提高知名度.
  • 缺点:监管要求和隐私丧失.

5. 清算:

  • 优点快速退出,尤其是在企业陷入困境的时候.
  • 缺点没有正在进行的业务遗产.

Remember, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for exiting your business. The best option depends on your specific situation and goals. 考虑经济影响等因素, 连续性, 以及你对公司未来的个人愿景.


Exiting planning is an important topic for all business owners – even those that have no plans to sell anytime soon. 通过提前计划, you can achieve your financial goals and leave a lasting legacy for your employees and customers.

在LBMC, we’ve been advising entrepreneurs and family business owners across Tennessee, 肯塔基州, 在印第安纳州工作了40多年. Our team has extensive experience in exit planning processes and is dedicated to helping you achieve a life-changing exit for yourself and your family.

提供全方位的咨询服务, 税, 以及商业估值服务, LBMC is well-equipped to guide you through every step of the exit planning process.

你准备好开始了吗? Fill out our contact form today to connect with an advisor and begin planning your successful business exit.